Once you have made a start on your periodic training it's a good idea to keep a check on how many hours you have accrued.
Last updated Monday 6th April 2020
You can do this by first creating an account on the Gov.uk website and then the DVSA will send a unique password to the address your driving licence is registered to to enable you to log in to your own online training record.
You do need to have completed at least one days DCPC to be able to view those first 7 hours.
Also if you are attending a DCPC course you must allow the training company time to upload the hours and the training board to then pass them on to DVSA. Ordinarily this can take up to 72 hours. Also weekends can impact on the time it takes for hours to become viewable.
CLICK HERE to go to the government website.
Once you have completed all 5 days your online record will look something like this...
Around about the same time has the uploads have successfully become viewable on your online record you will receive your Driver Qualification Card direct to the address on your licence in the post.
As it is a legal requirement to carry the D.Q.C. it is arguably much more important than the certificates that you will receive after attending the course.
More and more training companies are switching to electronic certificates sent as PDF's via email (one for each day that you attend). We at UK Driver CPC Network do this now as opposed to old fashioned paper based certificates which we stopped sending out in the post back in 2014.
You should receive the email (or your manager will if we do not have your email address) within 30 days of completing your 5 days. This will contain a PDF of the certificate for each day that you have attended.